Film je životným príbehom matky a jej syna Ľuboša, ktorý otočil svet hore nohami. Ľuboš unikol zo sveta ľudí, aby žil v čo najväčšej symbióze s prírodou, odletel na planétu kde žijú len motýle - inteligentné bytosti. Svoju životnú energiu koncentrovanú s neuveriteľnou dávkou empatie vtesnáva do jeho amatérskej fotografickej a filmovej tvorby. Vrcholom jeho prírodnej fascinácie je jedinečný výskum netopierov. V komunikácií s fascinujúcim tvorom otočeným dolu hlavou sa pokúša o maximálne porozumenie medzi človekom a zvieraťom. Oporou v jeho bádaniach, ale i žovotnou oporou mu vždy bola jeho mama. Tá má však dnes cez 70 rokov a tak sa prirodzene obáva o budúcnosť svojho syna. "Čo s tým deckom ďalej bude?" vraví. Ľudia, ktorí ho "poznali", si mysleli, že je blázon, ale len dovtedy kým nevideli film hore nohami. Teraz sú z toho oni blázni!
Special Prize of the Jury28th Uppsala International Short Film Festival / Uppsala, Sweden /
Special Prize of the Jury - SILVER EYE AWARD12th The Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival / Jihlava, Czech republic /
Special Prize of the Jury12th festival of slovak students films ACKO / Bratislava, Slovakia /
The Wallflower Press Student Doc Award16th Sheffield Doc/Fest / United Kingdom /
Golden Frame StatuetteYoung Cinema Art Festival / Krakow, Poland /
Best Documentary 10th Student and Short Film Festival Sleepwalkers / Tallin, Estonia /
Best slovak school documentary
Kinema film roka / Bratislava, Slovakia /
Bronze Dinosaur16th International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima 2009 / Cracow, Poland /
Best International Nature DocumentaryNew York International Independent Film and Video Festival / USA /
The Silver Lion AwardThe International Film Festival / Taipei, Taiwan /
"ION BOSTAN" prize
Best director of documentary at student film festival CineMAiubit / Bucharest, Romania /
Absolútny víťaz a najlepší študentský dokument VišegráduMedzinárodný festival študentských filmov Zlínsky pes 2010 / Zlín, Czech republic /
2nd prize in the short film commpetitionHot Docs Internetion Documentary Film Festival / Toronto, Canada /
1.Festival director's prize for the best slovak director
2.Prize in the category D - Creating a Independent Films and Films for Children and Youth16Th International Film Festival ENVIROFILM /Banská Bystrica, Slovakia/
Audience Award26. Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg 2010 / Hamburg, Germany /
Bonus awards for creative work /ARSY-VERSY/
21st Slovak Film Prize IGRIC
First PrizeShort film festival Brain Wash / London, England/
Honorary Award in category – FILM FUTURE 3000
Ars&Film 2010, 6th European Festival of Films on Art / Telč, Czech republic /
1st Prize - Category: Documentary - Golden Grape39th Lubuskie Film Summer - International Film Festival / Lagów, Poland /
Prize: Centaur 20th Message to Man International Documentary, Short and Animated Films Festival / St. Petersburg, Russia /
Premio Cinemambulante7Th Euganea film festival 2010 / Padova, Italy /
The best foreign documentary shorter than 60 minutes TRANZYT documentary film festival / Poznan, Poland /
Best documentary award"NoemartFilmFestival”, festival of Documentary art / Rieti, Italy /
Special prize of Jury36th EKOFILM - International Film Festival on the Environment and Natural and Cultural Heritage / Ceske Budejoviece, Czech republic /
Green2gether films AwardVilnius film shorts'10 /Vilnius, Lithuania/
Best documentary awardFirst Step Film Festival / Tirana, Albania /
Grand PrizeCinema Verite: 4th Iran International Documentary Film Festival / Teheran, Iran /
Central Europe Discovery Networks award Plus Cameraimage 2010 / Bydgoszcz, Poland /
Best documentary1th Tell it quick film Internet film festival / Zilina, Slovakia /
Main Award9th Gdansk DocFilm Festival / Gdansk, Poland /
Grand Prize41th Marin County Festival of Short Film and Video / San Rafael, California, USA /
Best documentary award15th international Filmfestival of the Filmacademy Vienna 2013 / Wien, Austria /
Acko- National Film Schools Festival, Bratislava, Slovakia
(15.– 18.10.2009)
AWARD of the film's journalists of
28th Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Uppsala, Sweeden
(19.– 25.10.2009)
Special prize of Jury
16th International Film and TV School´s Festival “Mediaschool 2007”, Lodz, Poland
(20.– 24.10.2009)
A.R.E.S. Short Film Festival, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy
(22.– 25.10.2009)
New York International Film festival, NY, USA
(23.– 29.10.2009)
Best International Nature Documentary
World Student Film festival „Young Cinema Art“, Plock, Poland
(23.– 25.10.2009)
Golden Frame statuette
13th Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Jihlava, Czech Republic,
(27.10.– 1.11.2009)
Special mention of Jury of Silver Eye Awards for Short Documentary
20th International Documentary Festival “Festival dei Popoli”. Florence, Italy (1.– 7.11.2009) INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE
Best Short Documentary
Sheffield Doc/Fest, Sheffield, United Kingdom
(4. –8. 11. 2009)
Wallflowers Press Student Doc Award
10th Student Film festival Sleepwalkers, Tallin, Estonia
(12.- 15.11.2009)
Best Documentary title
29th Munich International Festival of Film Schools, Munich, Germany
(15.– 21.11.2009)
ARRI Award for the best documentary
International Film Festival Bratislava, Slovakia
(27.11. – 4.12.2009)
Taipei Film Festival – Golden Lion International Student Film Competition, Taipei, Taiwan
(4.– 11.12.2009)
Silver Lion Award
10th Student Film festival Sleepwalkers, Tallin, Estonia
(12.- 15. 11. 2009)
Best Documentary
16th International Film Festival “Etiuda & Anima 2009, Krakow, Poland
(27. 11.– 4.12.2009)
Bronze Dinosaurus
13th International Student Film Festival CineMAiubit, Bucharest, Romania
(14.- 17.12.2009)
"Ion Bostan" Prize for best direction of a documentary film
Film and Music Festival KUSTENDORF, Mokra Gora, Serbia
(13.- 19.1.2010)
13th IFF Jelenia Gora, Poland
(21.- 25.2.2010)
The Zagrebdox 2010 International festival of documentary films, Zagreb, Croatia
(28.2.- 7.3.2010)
The Zlín Dog 2010 International student film festival, Zlín, Czech republic
(3.- 6.3.2010)
1. Absolut winner of the festival
2. The best documentary from Visegrad
The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conferences & Festivals, Austin, U.S.A.
(12.- 21.3.2010)
Play-doc, International documentary film festival, Tui, Spain
(17.- 21.3.2010)
17th Febiofest 2010, Bratislava, Slovakia
(26.- 31.3.2010)
50th Cinestud student film festival, Amsterdam, Holand
(31.3.- 4.4.2010)
17. Dni Európskeho filmu, Prag, Czech republic
(15. - 21.4.2010)
16th VISIONS DU REEL - Festival international de cinema, France
(15. - 21.4.2010)
The 53rd San Francisco International Film Festival, U.S.A.
(22.4. - 6.5.2010)
Vold - Nórsky filmový festival dokumentárnych filmov, Vold, Norway
(28.4. - 2.5.2010)
Hot Docs Internetion Documentary Film Festival, Toronto, Canada
(29.4. - 9.5.2010)
2nd prize in short film category
16th International Film Festival ENVIROFILM, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
(10. -15.5. 2010)
1.Festival director's prize for the best slovak director
2.Prize in the category D - Creating a Independent Films and Films for Children and Youth
Busan International Short Film Festival, Busan City, South Korea
(12. - 16.5.2010)
17th High school arts festival - Zlomvaz, Praha Czech republic
(18. - 22. 5. 2010)
2nd Leiden International Short Film Festival, Leiden, Holland
(28. - 30. 5. 2010)
50th Krakow Film Festival, Krakow, Poland
(31.5. - 6.6.2010)
(1. - 6.6 2010)
26. Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg 2010, Hamburg, Germany
(1.6. - 7.6.2010)
Audience Award
AFI-Discovery Channel Silverdocs Documentary Festival, Maryland, U.S.A.
(21. - 27.6.2010)
10th The International Bunker Film Festival, Near Ventimiglia, Italy
8th International Film Festival - Tofifest, Torun, Poland
(26.6. - 2.7.2010)
39th Lubuskie Film Summer - International Film Festival, Lagów, Poland
1st Prize - Category: Documentary - Golden Grape
5th. International film festival of independents producers, Constanta, Romania
(30.6. – 4.7.2010)
20th Message to Man International Documentary, Short and Animated Films Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia
(15.7.- 22.7. 2010)
Prize: Centaur
7th Euganea film festival 2010, Padova, Italy
(8.7.- 22.7. 2010)
Premio Cinemambulante
17th European Film Festival Palić – Subotica, Srbia
(17.7.- 23.7. 2010)
TRANZYT documentary film festival - Poznan, Poland
honourable mention in category the best foreign documentary shorter than 60 minutes
KRAŤASY - putovná prehliadka najlepších krátkych filmov z medzinárodných festivalov študentských filmov z Česka a Slovenska.
12.8.2010 - Levoča
19.8.2010 - Prešov
10.9.2010 - Liptovský Mikuláš
17.9.2010 - Prievidza
21.9.2010 - Banská Bystrica
22.9.2010 - Bratislava
29.9.2010 - Trnava
9.10.2010 - Sereď
19.10.2010 - Nové Zámky
26.10.2010 - Ružomberok
15.11.2010 - Lučenec
23.11.2010 - Trenčín
Horomilfest 2010 - Považská Bystrica, Slovensko /prehliadka/
"NoemartFilmFestival”, festival of Documentary art - Rieti, Italy
(17 - 19.9.2010)
Best documentary award
International student film festival - Pisek, Czech republic
11th Calgary International Film Festival - Calgary, Canada
Filmfest Hamburg - Hamburg, Germany
9th St.Petersburg Student Film Festival - St. Peterburg, Russia
36th EKOFILM - International Film Festival on the Environment and Natural and Cultural Heritage - Czech republic
Special prize of Jury
Vilnius Film Shorts’10 - Vilnius, Lithuania
Green2gether films Award
17th International Film and Television School Festival - MEDIASCHOOL - Lodz, Poland
(19. - 23.10 2010)
First Step Film Festival - Tirana, Albania
Best documentary award
(25. - 29.10 2010)
DOCSDF - 5th International documentary film festival - Ciudad de México, Mexico
(21. - 31.10 2010)
11th Documentary film festival One World - Bratislava, Slovakia
(3. - 9.11 2010)
3th FIDADOC, International documentary film festival - Agadir, Morocco
(9. - 13.11.2010)
Cinema Verite: 4th Iran International Documentary Film Festival - Teheran, Iran
Grand Prize
18th Plus Camerimage 2010 - International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography - Bydgoszcz, Poland
Central Europe Discovery Networks award
(27.11. - 4.12.2010)
6th CON-CAN Movie Festival - Tokyo, Japan
(3.11. - 8.12.2010)
33th Rencontres Henri Langlois, International Film Schools Festival, Poitiers, France
24th Stuttgart film winter – Stuttgart, Germany
9th The Adelaide Film Festival - Adelaide, Australia
(24.2. - 6.3.2011)
New Vision International Film Festival - Kiev, Ukraine
(23. - 27.3.2011)
1th Tell it quick film Internet film festival - Zilina, Slovakia
(1.2.2011 – 31.3.2011)
Best documentary award
13th Mecal International Short Film Festival - Barcelona, Spain
(8. - 17.4.2011)
12th Troma Dance film festival - New Jersey, U.S.A.
(22. - 23.4.2011)
13th Cinema on the border - Český Tešín, Czech republic, Poland
(28.4. - 3.5.2011)
11th REC. Festival Internacional de Cinema de Tarragona - Tarragona, Spain
(29.4. - 7.5.2011)
9th Gdansk DocFilm Festival - Gdansk, Poland
(4. - 8.5.2011)
Main Award
Rooftop films - New York, U.S.A.
(4. - 14.5.2011)
Tbilisi International Student Film Festival AMIRANI - Tbilisi, Georgia
(17. - 21.5.2011)
London International Documentary Festival 2011 - London, England
(13. - 28.5.2011)
Ploiesti International Short Film Festival - Ploiesti, Romania
(20. - 21.5.2011)
39th edition of the Huesca International Film Festival - Huesca, Spain
(3. - 11.6.2011)
2th Makedox festival - 6 cities in Macedonia
(17. - 23.6.2011)
9th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival - Balchik, Bulgaria
(18. - 25.6.2011)
41st Annual Marin County International Festival of Short Film and Video
(30.6. - 4.7.2011)
Grand Prize
9th CinemadaMare - Rome, Italy
(1.7. - 25.8.2011)
LISFF transnational short film festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia
(1.4. - 3.4.2013)
15th international Filmfestival of the Filmacademy Vienna 2013, Wien, Austria
(10.4. - 14.4.2013)
Best documentary awardSlowakischer Film heute, Vienna, Austria
Removci v slovenskom rozhlase - Miro Remo ml. a Miro Remo
Vec verejná, autor: Michal Tvarožek
Arsy-Versy... kto je tu vlastne hore nohami? Rozhovor s Mirom Remo na Envirofilme.
Rozhovor o Arsy-Versy, Vlado Balco a Miro Remo v Slovenskom rozhlase, na rádiu Devín.
Recenzia ARSY-VERSY na
Reportáž z Pezinského filmového festivalu PAFF, ťahákom večera bolo Arsy-Versy
Kritická reportáž ARSY-VERSY na
Český blog o slovenskom filme (Bloger Seneboy)
Rozhovor o filme Arsy-Versy a aj o iných veciach pre Slovenský rozhlas
Arsy-Versy on Vimeo
Arsy-Versy on YouTube
Homepage of the cameraman of Arsy-Versy
Diskusia o filme Arsy-Versy v rámci IFF Bratislava
Rozhovor o filme Arsy-Versy pre Český rozhlas
mimoriadna možnosť stiahnuť celý film.
/aktuálny WMV kodek potrebný pre prehratie/
Veľkosť súboru cca. 370 MB.
including photos from film and filmmaking in print quality, teasers /HD and SD QUICK TIME and WMV versions/, official poster, synopsis and logline, all awards and screenings, short bio and CV of the director.